A sermon by John Zeigler on “The Just for the Unjust” from 1 Peter 3:18
A sermon by John Zeigler on “Jesus Came to Serve” from John 13.
A message by John Zeigler entitled “Palm Sunday Prayer” from Luke 19
A sermon by John Zeigler on “Trust in the Lord” from various Psalms and Proverbs 3:5-6
A sermon by John Zeigler on “Greatness Through Serving Others” from Matthew 23:11
A message by John Zeigler on “Four Steps to Revival” from Luke 3:4-6.
A sermon by John Zeigler on “But God” from Genesis 50:20.
A sermon by John Zeigler on “Why? (Part 4),” the fourth of a multi-part series investigating why we do what we do. Scriptures used: Genesis 35:1-4; Ex 32:19-20, 28; 33:4-6; Hosea 2:13; Eze 23:39-44; 1 Tim 2:8-10; 1 Pet 3:3-4 and several others.
A sermon by John Zeigler on “Attitudes of the Christian Lifestyle” from Matt. 22:37-40 and other Scripture passages
A sermon by John Zeigler on “Why? (Part 3),” the third of a multi-part series investigating why we do what we do.