A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “His Prayer” from John 16:33 and John 17
A sermon by Ron Stevens entitled “Entire Sanctification” from various Scripture passages including John 17:13-23, Eph. 3:17-20, James 4:1-8, and Luke 11:9-13
Part 1 of a multi-part series by John Zeigler entitled “Being a Disciple” from Matt. 4:12-22 and John 1:35-51
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Falling Away” from John 6:66
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Forgiveness Required” from John 18, Luke 23, Matthew 18, and other Scriptures
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Little Is Much” from John 6
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “The Divine Pattern” from Luke 2, John 19, and Phil. 2
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Freedom Through His Yoke” from John 8:31-36
A sermon by Caleb Zeigler entitled “Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne” from John 1:1-14
A sermon by John Zeigler on “The Intent of Our Will” from John 5:6, Luke 15:18, and other texts