Below you will find recordings of sermons preached at Weisbach Community Church. The most recent are at the top.
A sermon by John Zeigler on “They Walked With God” from Luke 24, the Emmaus Road.
A sermon by John Zeigler on “If Christ Be Not Risen” from 1 Corinthians 15.
A Communion service message by John Zeigler on the intense desire of Jesus to celebrate Passover with his disciples and to share Communion with us.
A message by Tim Lanigan on “Trusting God in Trying Times,” based on James 1:2-4.
The closing sermon of the 2015 Spring Revival. Rollin Mitchell preached on “This Place” from Luke 16:19-31.
A sermon from Rollin Mitchell on “Partnership with Jesus” from John 15:15-19.
A sermon by Rollin Mitchell on Waiting. Isaiah 64:4 was used, as well as a number of other Scripture verses and passages.
A message by Rollin Mitchell on The Test from Genesis 22:1-19.
A message by Rollin Mitchell on One Thing Is Needful from the passage Luke 10:38-42, also pulling in verses from John 11 and 12.
A message by Rollin Mitchell on The Conquering Tread from Psalm 91:13.