Below you will find recordings of sermons preached at Weisbach Community Church. The most recent are at the top.
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “The Fruit of Sin” from Joshua 7
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Walk Worthy of the Calling” from Eph. 4:1-3
A sermon by David Fulton entitled “Running to Win” from Philippians 3:13-14
A sermon by David Fulton entitled “Risen to Restore” from Mark 16
A sermon by David Fulton entitled “Who Can God Use?” from Judges 7
A sermon by David Fulton entitled “He Took My Place” from 2 Cor. 5:21 and other Scriptures
A sermon by David Fulton entitled “Search Me” from Psalm 139:23-24
A sermon by David Fulton entitled “What Type of Soil Are You?” from Mark 4
A sermon by David Fulton the the first night of revival entitled “God Is Calling” from Gen. 3:8-10 and 1 Sam. 3:4-7
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Palm Sunday Indifference” based on passages from Mark 11, Matthew 27, and Luke 23