Below you will find recordings of sermons preached at Weisbach Community Church. The most recent are at the top.
Some words of admonition from Pastor Zeigler titled “Be It Resolved for 2019.” A couple of Scriptures used were 1 Cor. 10:31 and Col. 3:17
A message by Caleb Zeigler on “My Expectations vs. God’s Intentions” from Mark 16:1-8
Funeral service for Kenneth E. Montgomery, Sr. including eulogies from Pastor John Zeigler and former Pastor Keith Gibson as well as some family members, as well as songs from the Gibsons.
A sermon by John Zeigler called “Christmas Joy” from Luke 2:1-20
John Zeigler reads an article by Larry Smith called “The Lord of the Cattle Shed.”
A sermon by John Zeigler called “The Idol” from various Scriptures including Mark 7:21-23 and Jeremiah 17:9-10
A sermon by John Zeigler entitle “The Dayspring” from Luke 1:68-79
A sermon by John Zeigler called “Disordered Loves” from Matthew 22:37-38
A message by John Zeigler on “Striking Gifts of Barnabas” from Acts 11:24
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “The Christ Child: Creator or Created?” from John 1 and other Scriptures