Below you will find recordings of sermons preached at Weisbach Community Church. The most recent are at the top.
A sermon entitled “Worship-Based Praying (Part 2)” by John Zeigler. Luke 11:1 and Matthew 6:5-15 were referred to.
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Celebrate the Gospel” – Part 3 of a series on the Pastoral Epistles
A sermon entitled “Worship-Based Praying (Part 1)” by John Zeigler. Luke 11:1 and Matthew 6:5-15 were referred to.
Diana White and Janae Zeigler share their experiences on their recent trip to Honduras with the medical brigade
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Teach Us to Pray” based on the Lord’s Prayer as found in Matthew 6 and Luke 11
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Guard the Gospel” – Part 2 of a series on the Pastoral Epistles
A sermon by John Zeigler on “Remembering” as we begin focusing on Easter during Lent
A message by Dr. Donald Smith entitled “Truth Is Truth Regardless of the Messenger” from 2 Sam. 14:14
A message by Dr. Donald Smith on “Choosing the Bramble” from Judges 9 and Matthew 13
A sermon by Dr. Donald Smith entitled “Three Steps to a Successful Spiritual Life” from Proverbs 3:5-6