Below you will find recordings of sermons preached at Weisbach Community Church. The most recent are at the top.
A message by John Zeigler on “Hope for Tomorrow” from John 14:1-6
A message by John Zeigler entitled “Saving Our Treasures Part 2” from 2 Cor. 2:11 and 11:1-3
A message by John Zeigler entitled “Saving Our Treasures” from Matthew 6:19-21. The message begins with the dedication of Jase Albright.
A sermon by John Manley entitled “Gospel Insiders” from 1 John 5:3
A sermon by Terry Yoder entitled “Build Your Wall” from Nehemiah 2:5-20
A sermon by Terry Yoder entitled “Jesus Christ Is Still the Same” from Hebrews 13:5-9
A sermon by Terry Yoder entitled “The Different Disciples” from Acts 2:1-6
A sermon by Terry Yoder entitled “The Will of God” from Genesis 12:1-5
A sermon by Terry Yoder entitled “Steps to Commitment” from Matt. 8:18-23
A sermon by Terry Yoder entitled “What Truly Satisfies the Soul Today?” on Ecclesiastes 1:1-9