Below you will find recordings of sermons preached at Weisbach Community Church. The most recent are at the top.
A sermon by Dan Stetler entitled “A New Thing” from Isaiah 43:1-21
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Prayer Phrases” in preparation for Revival this week.
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “For Joy Thereof” from Matthew 13:44
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Thou Shalt Not Covet” from Exod. 20:17. This completes the series on the Ten Commandments.
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Holiness, the Foundation of the Kingdom” from Luke 1:74-75, Matt. 3:2 and other Scriptures
A sermon by John Zeigler on the ninth commandment from Exod. 20:16
Report from Janae Zeigler and Adam Shipman on their trip to Honduras as part of the medical team trip
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Sin vs Holiness” from Rom. 5:12, 2 Cor. 5:21, and other Scriptures
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “Thou Shalt Not Steal” from Exodus 20:15
A sermon by John Zeigler entitled “The Holiness of God and Related Attributes” from 1 Pet. 3:15, Eph. 5:26, Heb. 13:12 and other Scriptures