Pictured are children who attended the spring 2012 semester of Good News Club and earned a gift certificate for an ice cream cone, courtesy of Cecil Ragsdale of Bo-Macs. The children are wearing Good News Club T-shirts purchased with funds from Shoals United Methodist Church. Children earned their gift certificates by accumulating points for attendance,…
On the first Sunday of October, we gave our pastor and his family a pounding (for the uninitiated this simply means a freewill offering of food and household items from families and individuals in the church. On the third Sunday of the month we presented the pastor and his family with a beautiful clock with…
Travis Montgomery, son of Bryan and Cindy Montgomery, married Debra Clark, daughter of James and Sandra Clark on Friday, October 28, 2011. The ceremony was held at the United Methodist Church in Loogootee, Indiana, with a reception following at the Martin County Community Building. Travis and Debra are currently on their honeymoon in Niagara Falls.…
Darrell Montgomery and Hannah Peak were joined together in holy matrimony at the Allida Smith Wesleyan Methodist Church in Meadville, Pennsylvania, on June 4th, 2011. We wish them well in their new life together.
Just in time for winter, sidewalks have been laid from the parsonage to the church driveway. Here are a few photos of the men in action. Click any thumbnail to see an enlargement (click anywhere to close the enlargement). Hover your mouse pointer over any thumbnail to see a caption. [flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157625024991683″]
Sunday October 3rd saw Ronnie and Fay renewing their marriage vows. The day marked exactly 18 years since they were married. The service, conducted by Pastor Zeigler, was followed by a pitch-in meal at the multipurpose building. Click any thumbnail to see an enlargement (click anywhere to close the enlargement). Hover your mouse pointer over…
The beautiful (if not slightly chilly) October 1st evening saw the Albright property teeming with hungry folks eager for fellowship, games and hayrides. Relive the fun by clicking any thumbnail to see an enlargement (click anywhere to close the enlargement). Hover your mouse pointer over any thumbnail to see a caption. [flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157625109544128″]
On September 28th, the Children’s Meeting kids had a party as a reward for good attendance. Any child attending at least 8 out of 13 times was invited. Sister Zeigler and her helpers cooked up some great food and fun for the little ones. Click any thumbnail to see an enlargement (click anywhere to close…
Each Monday night a ministry team from Weisbach Church holds a service in the Loogootee Nursing Center for the residents. The service includes prayer, congregational singing, special songs/instrumentals, and a devotional. Here are a few photos shot by Janae Zeigler on August 16, 2010. Click on a picture to enlarge and see a caption. [sthumbs=8|7|6,max,3,n,center,]
Here are some more pictures of the Zeiglers’ trip to Antigua. I’m told that 2,000 pictures were snapped by Janae while they were there! (Click on a photo to enlarge it. Click anywhere to close the enlargement. Hover your mouse over a thumbnail to see its caption.) [flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157624471803233″]